How to Let Go of the Past.

How to Let Go of the Past.

How to Let Go of the Past.

It is good to let go of the past. This will help you to live in the present and help you to live in the now.

There are negative energies in the past that come from:
Negative experiences
Negative people

These negative experiences and people from our past – will either makes us feel angry because they disrespected us in some way, or sad because there was some kind of clash that prevented our happiness. If we don’t let go of these negative energies from the past, then we will continue to feel angry and sad which will distract our focus from our present happiness.

The best way to release negative energies from the past is to Have a Light Axis Healing Session (Via Skype, Via Distance or In Person). During the healing the negative energies will be removed from you and you will be shown how to do a healing meditation that will help you to purge yourself of your negative energies, when you are by yourself at home. Usually the most important negative energies from the past to release in a healing are recent events with others that have made you really angry.

There are also good energies that you can release from your past:
What I mean by this is that some people worship memories of their past, and attach to them, which ruins their perspective of the present and they literally live in the past. These people are resistant to change. For example some people are always looking at photos of the past. It’s ok to have photos as a record, but it’s also ok to let go of them, because they don’t actually represent what is happening now.
Things you can sometimes let go of:
– photos
– old clothes
– old things
– broken things
– worn out things

A Light Axis Healing Session can help to heal your past, present and future.

Written by Max Mancer – From Light Axis Healing
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