Healing Your Past Will Improve Your Present.

Healing Your Past Will Improve Your Present.

If you believe that the past is bad, then you will inevitable create a bad present because the present becomes the past. Therefore it is very important and useful, to heal the past, so that you see the past as “good”.

It is possible to re-envision the past so that it looks good and feels good, and is the way you wanted it to be. You might think that this is lying to yourself, but it can help you to focus on a better past, present and future. It can make you healthier and happier, and wealthier.

In terms of money. If you see yourself as poor in the past, then you start to create that in the present. But if you can extend the consciousness of wealth into your past and future, then it becomes easier to have it in the present.

When something bad happens or when lack occurs in the past, then it can be easy to look at the past and label the past as “bad” or “crap” or if there was a lack of something, then we may see the past as “lack”.

It is possible to heal the past, because the past exists in your consciousness. It is important to heal the past, present and future. It is important to heal how you see the past, present and future, and how you feel about your past, present and future.

The reason why it is important to heal your past is because, if you see you past as “crap”, then you will continue to create experiences in the present that become part of your “crap” past. Your negative feelings and beliefs about the past become a self fulfilling negative prophecy in the present.

If you heal the past, then you can feel good about the past, and you can even re-envision the past so that it looks like you wanted it to look like. When you feel good about the past, and you see the past as good, then you will create good experiences in the present that are part of your good past.

A Light Axis Healing Session can help to heal your past, present and future.

Written by Max Mancer – From Light Axis Healing
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