Receving Healings Via Skype, Via Phone, and Via Remote Healing
Experience Better Healing Results
Receiving Healings Via Phone, Via Skype and Via Remote Healing
Receiving a Light Axis Healing Session Via Phone, Via Skype and Via Remote Healing has become very popular. If you haven’t had one in this way before, then we highly recommend and suggest that you have one, because you will have better healing results than if you did the session in person. The purpose of this page is to educate you about these kinds of healings, so that you have the right perspective about them, and so that hopefully you will be more open and ready to have one with us.
Our Best Healing Results For Our Clients Have Happened through Healing Sessions Done Via Skype, Via Phone and Via Remote Healing.
Please recognise that “what you want” is a good healing result, and you will get better results, from healings received Via Skype, Via Phone and Via Remote Healing, compared to In Person Sessions. We know this is true because we have Done Thousands of Different Kinds of Healings for people over the past 15 Years and our statistics point to this conclusion.
Below are reasons why it is Better to Have a Healing Session Via Skype, Via Phone or Via Remote Healing:
1.The Healing Results will be better than if you received the healing in person.
2.An In Person Healing Involves sitting with the healer and talking. There is no touching. Therefore, having a healing Via Skype or On the Phone, is literally and actually, the same thing as doing a healing in person.
3.It is easier for you to receive the healing.
4.You receive the healing in the comfort of your own home.
5.You are more relaxed in your own environment, which allows you to receive and absorb the healing more.
6.You don’t need to travel to see the healer.
7.You don’t need to feel stress and anxiety figuring out how to travel to the healer.
8.You don’t need to waste energy and time on travelling to see the healer.
9.You won’t be distracted by the appearance of the healing room or the healer.
10.You will be more focused on the healing.
11.You will be more relaxed and at ease and comfortable which will help you to allow the healing to work more.
12.You will surrender more to the healing and you will absorb the healing more.
13.You don’t need to feel tension about being in a new environment, (the healer’s healing room) at the same time as having your healing session.
14.It is easier for you to organise and receive the Healing Session sooner, when you want it.
Healings Done Via Skype
You can receive a Light Axis Healing Session Via Skype. Skype is the most well known and popular Free Video Chat Program on the Internet. You can download it for free and use it for free to have Video Chats with another person for free. All you need is to have a good internet connection and a computer or tablet with microphone and camera. Most computers and laptops come with microphone and camera.
Receiving a healing session Via Skype is really popular, because you can see and hear the healer, while being in the comfort of your own home, or from anywhere in the world so long as there is a good internet connection.
Receiving a healing Via Skype is the same as receiving a healing In Person, or Via Phone or Via Remote Healing. They are all equal. This is because all energy is connected. The results are better than doing it in person because you are more relaxed when receiving the session
It is good to have Skype Healings for the following reasons:
1.It is easier for you and for the healer to organise a healing session and do the healing, sooner than later.
2.It is more efficient and better than an In Person Healing.
3.You don’t need to travel to the healer.
4.You won’t be distracted by the healing room.
5.You are in the comfort of your own home.
* How to set up Skype so you can use it to receive a healing CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO SETUP Skype.
Healings Done Via Phone
You can receive a Light Axis Healing Session On The Phone. Phone Healing Sessions are available to people in the following 5 countries Australia, USA, Canada, UK and New Zealand. We are happy to call you for the session if you are in one of those 5 countries. If you are not in one of those 5 countries, then we recommend that you have a healing on Skype or Via Remote Healing. You must ensure that you will have enough battery on your phone for the whole session.
Receiving a healing session Via Phone is really popular, because you can hear the healer, while being in the comfort of your own home, or anywhere because you are on your phone.
Receiving a healing Via Phone is the same as receiving a healing In Person, or Via Skype or Via Remote Healing. They are all equal. This is because all energy is connected. The results are better than doing it in person because you are more relaxed when receiving the session
It is good to have Phone Healings for the following reasons:
1.It is easier for you and for the healer to organise a healing session and do the healing, sooner than later.
2.It is more efficient and better than an In Person Healing.
3.You don’t need to travel to the healer.
4.You won’t be distracted by the healing room or by the healer’s appearance.
5.You are in the comfort of your own home.
Healings Done Via Remote Healing
What is remote healing? How does it work?
A remote healing is a healing that is sent to person at a specified time, without needing to speak to them, and without seeing them. When I send a remote healing to a client, I get them to tell me first what they want to heal so that I can prepare for the healing session. We then select a time for the healing. Then I email them at the time of the healing to let them know the healing has begun. I email them at the end of the healing session to let them know that the healing has ended. I tell them via email, what I healed in their energy at the end of the healing, via email.
To receive the healing, I instruct my clients that they should either sit or lie down, in an undisturbed room by themselves at the time of the healing, so they are relaxed and receptive as they receive the healing passively. Sometimes a client may fall asleep, and this is okay, because they will still receive the healing. A ball of healing energy is sent to the client and it enters through their crown chakra and is absorbed into their body during the healing session, and continues heal them until their body has absorbed the healing completely.
When I send a remote healing to a client, I am tuning in to their energy, via empathy, to feel what they are feeling. I superimpose my energy onto theirs, so that I can feel what they feel. I heal their energy from the top of their head at the crown chakra, down to the soles of their feet and their root chakra. I do all the 7 Light Axis Healing Techniques on them without needing to speak to them. I release negative beliefs, feelings and vibrations from them, and I bring in the good replacement energies into their body and energy.
Remote healings have grown in popularity.
Reasons why it is great to have a remote healing session:
1.You want to receive a healing passively while you rest.
2.You enjoy remote healings. You prefer them.
3.You don’t have a computer, you can’t use Skype or a Phone Healing is not feasible.
4.You live too far from the healer.
5.You are too tired to do a healing on Skype.
6.You are buying a healing for a family member who cannot communicate, e.g. extreme mental illness, coma, dementia, young children.
7.You don’t want to speak about your emotional issues because it triggers you too much.
8.You want to surrender completely to let the healer do the healing, without you getting in the way.
How can remote healings work? What kinds of healing results do you get from a remote healing, compared to results you get from healings On Skype or healings in person?
Remote healings work because all energy is connected. Energy is not separated by distance. There is no difference in the quality of healing session between remote healings, or healings on Skype or healings done in person. They are all equal. In fact remote healings can be better because people surrender more, and are more relaxed. Some of my best healing results have come from doing remote healings. It can help to heal emotional and physical disease and illnesses. I have also seen relationships heal as a result of remote healings.
If you have never had a remote healing, then I highly recommend and suggest that you have one, because it is a pleasant and blissful experience. Remote Healings are sometimes referred to as Distance Healings, or Distant Healings.
The reason why these healings work is because all energy is connected.
The results are better than if you do a session in person.
Have a Healing Session Today, Via Skype, Via Phone or Via Remote Healing.
*** WE ARE AVAILABLE TODAY to give you a Healing Session On Skype or Via Remote Healing from anywhere in the world. We are available to give you a Phone Healing if you are in Australia. Pay First on this page and then email us. For a Skype Healing Session, the Skype name is maxmancer. Send us your Skype name via email after you have paid. Thank You.
Purchase Now with PayPal. Click on the PayPal button and you can choose to pay with most credit cards and debit cards. You don’t need to create a PayPal Account.
You can decide how you receive the healing. 1.Skype 2.Phone 3.Via Remote Healing
After you send payment, send an email with your request to and we will reply to you as soon as possible. Payment must be received prior to work commencing. No guaranteed results, no refunds, no rescheduling of appointments. See our great testimonials. Thank you.

Healing Sessions | Click to Purchase |
2 Hour Healing Session = $200 AUD (Recommended time length. More Healing.) | |
1 hour healing session = $150 AUD (short healing. no free bonus reading) |
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